Monitoring And

We provide third-party verification, monitoring, and evaluation services combining deep context understanding and innovative methodologies.

GIST experts have decades of experience designing and implementing portfolio-wide monitoring, evaluation, and learning programs. From operational monitoring and evaluation to strategic reviews, our team helps design tailored MEL frameworks, information gathering, analysis and data visualisation systems using a mix of remote data technologies and field research. We consult widely with key influencers to support needs assessments, institutional learning, and recommendations for programming.

We merge both quantitative and qualitative methods for monitoring and measuring effectiveness. In addition to conventional metric-based approaches, we capture narratives of change and focus on transforming the capabilities of key nodes (individuals or groups) as a delivery mechanism for broader organisational change.

MERL system design

We bring in decades of experience in designing tailored monitoring, evaluation, research and learning systems that can serve both the most simple and complex programmes – whether it is third-party verification for risk management or a learning and evidence facility, we have the expertise and know-how to provide complete project blueprints at the design stage and support the delivery accordingly.

Third party verification and monitoring

We provide continuous risk management, on-site verification, and data validation services using tailored field research and advanced data analysis and visualisation methods. These result in just-in-time, standardised, user-friendly information for programme supervisors.

Reviews and evaluation

We deliver strategic reviews and evaluations at programme, portfolio and country levels to support accountability against achievement objectives and ongoing efforts to improve impacts for our client, their stakeholders and beneficiaries. Blending quantitative and qualitative methods, we focus on rigour and transparency, timely delivery, and end-user needs.